Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tarsar stream

Tarsar stream:

Going along Tarsar stream we enter Dandabari where stones smoothened by weather are scattered all over the valley. In between them grows floral vegetation. The birch trees are not in a prosperous condition. The stream flows over boulders and to avoid these it is necessary to leave the stream and walk high up over grassy spur till we reach Tarsar Lake (12,500 ft.). Tarsar lies among mountains open from one side. It is shaped like an almond.

It is not awe-inspiring like Konsar Nag. The shores are low and form an excellent camping ground. The mountains are not high but are devoid of trees. They are covered with herbal vegetation and the water is transparent and very sweet.

This is a calm and quiet place. The appetite is apt to acquire a sharp edge here. There is no fuel available. To prepare tea one should bring some fuel along with one. It is worthwhile to bathe in the lake, but one should not venture into its deeper parts unless one is a strong swimmer and can resist cold. One is enveloped by Nature and she permeates the whole of his being -physical as well as mental.

When the wind ruffles the surface of water a little, the crests of wavelets catching the sun's rays turn the water into a sheet of sparkling diamonds. This is the most beautiful camping spot on the trek. The highlight of the dinner will be a fresh catch from the lake.